Massage treatments | male therapist

My service

Everyone deserves to be nurtured. Touch is fundamental. We all need a place to feel safe, let go, and put down the armour we wear to face the world, especially as men. I offer a full body massage session focused on relaxation. My massage style is a fusion of Lomi Lomi, Swedish and Deep Tissue techniques. I massage intuitively, focused on your individual needs. My massage space is a body positive and inclusive environment. Men of all ages and sizes who prefer a male therapist are welcomed. Treatment takes place in my home with a comfortable heated massage table, relaxing music and warmed oils.

My massage style

Massage is a physical therapy focused on manipulating the soft tissues of the body (muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, and joints), but not the bones, to promote relaxation, relieve pain, and improve overall well-being.  

Lomi Lomi massage is Hawaiian in origin, also known as 'loving hands' massage which sums up its philosophy. The intention is to create a caring, nurturing, healing experience that treats your whole being. The long and flowing movements of Lomi massage every part of your body thoroughly from head to toe without interruption. Its reassuring and rhythmic motion feels like waves lapping on the shore.  Different areas of your body are often massaged at the same time. Lomi sometimes feels like a three-dimensional massage – some strokes are applied over and under your body at the same time, creating a sense of being held and nurtured. Strokes may be slow and relaxing sometimes, or faster and more stimulating at others. Pressure varies depending on how your body responds and what you need at the time.

Swedish massage is full body and non-specific, focused on relaxing, connective, soothing and flowing strokes with some deeper and more intense work. It works surface muscles and connective tissue, with light to medium pressure.

Sports or deep tissue massage is specific and focused on addressing key areas rather than the full body. It goes deeper into muscles and connective tissue, tends to be more vigorous, intense, stimulating, and involves the use of multiple modalities (including some Swedish massage techniques).  Deep tissue massage helps to break down adhesions (tight bands of tissue) by applying slow, intentional strokes deep into the muscle. It is particularly beneficial for areas with long-term tension, such as necks, shoulders and low backs.

Holistic approach rather than clinical. I use a combination of these styles when massaging, mainly Lomi Lomi, with some Swedish and deep tissue work, applying what feels needed most. As such, my massage style is holistic/therapeutic, not clinical or sports. If you have specific injuries, I would recommend that you first go to see a physio or other physical therapist with more specialist skills to help you to resolve these.

Creating the right environment

Creating a safe space with a mutual sense of trust and respect is fundamental to the massage experience I offer. 

Acceptance. Men from all walks of life and personal circumstances book in for massage. Some men have had massage before, for others it is their first time. You are welcome and warmly accepted, just as you are. All sessions are 100% confidential and anything shared remains in the treatment room.

Collaboration. I offer you the chance to truly connect with your body on a deeper level, in an open, exploratory and non-judgemental environment. Your massage is very much a collaboration between us. It takes place in a private, warm and comfortable space with no interruptions and no rushing.  We'll have a chat on arrival and get a feel for what you need. Ask any questions.

Connection. I think of massage as a two-way physical 'conversation' that evolves between us. The more you engage, the more I adjust, refine and tailor the massage. I observe and learn what you respond to and what you like. Tensions fade, thoughts quieten, a sense of wellbeing increases. Our connection deepens.  As your sense of familiarity grows, the easier it becomes to relax, let go and experience a deep sense of relief. It can be transformative. 

Benefits of massage

A well administered massage has tangible health benefits. It helps your systems to settle down, your body to let go, and gives a sense of wellbeing. It just helps you to feel better.

Emotionally, massage is nourishing and reassuring. It helps you feel connected, build mental resilience and thrive. It eases depression, anxiety, loneliness, stress, exhaustion and low self-esteem. It promotes better sleep and a clearer, calmer mind.

Physically, it helps reduce muscular tension and headaches, tightness, restriction and fatigue. It helps with injury prevention through increasing joint mobility, improved range of motion, circulation and flexibility.

Biologically, your body responds positively to massage by releasing chemical messengers - 'happy hormones' and neurotransmitters - such as oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin and endorphins. These elevate your mood, increase pleasure and reduce pain.Your nervous system slows down, your blood pressure and heart rate lower, and your cortisol level (stress hormone) decreases.

What to expect

Stages of the massage process

Pre-massage consultation. After you reach out to me, we will arrange to chat over the phone first. I will ask you what you want to get out of the session and to describe any problems that you are experiencing. This helps to determine if my massage style will be appropriate at this time, and if so, how we focus the massage, otherwise I'll suggest alternatives. 

Preparation.  Before you arrive, please take a thorough shower, including all nooks and crannies and feet. Alternatively, you can shower in my home (towel/shower gel provided). You don’t need to bring anything to wear for the massage. Remember to let me know of any allergies.

Arrival. It’s on-street parking (no restrictions) or a 5 minute walk from the bus stop. Please arrive on time, but not early as you will need to wait outside. It’s normal to feel a bit apprehensive before visiting the first time but you will arrive to a friendly and relaxed welcome. Accessibility: please note that there are 9 steps up to the house with a handrail on either side. The treatment room is on the first floor, which is another 13 steps up with a handrail.

Consultation. I’ll ask you what you’d like from your massage treatment, and generally about your health so that I’m aware of any issues. Ask any questions. Once you are settled, we’ll start.

Getting ready.  I’ll leave you to get ready, by undressing, showering if needed, and lying on the massage table with a sheet over you. What to wear for massage? Ideally nothing at all, if you are comfortable with this, to allow a continuous flowing massage without restrictions, access to all major muscle groups, and your body treated as a whole. The sheet can stay if you prefer to be draped or removed - the most important thing is that you feel comfortable.  The room and massage table will be at a good temperature so you will stay nicely warm throughout.  The massage table is comfortably padded and warmed from underneath. You will lie on a soft waterproof surface rather than towels. This allows the unique Lomi style to take place.  There is also a soft and supportive memory foam face cradle to rest your face into.

Treatment. Time to relax, let go, and simply be. We start with a few moments of stillness to connect, ground and focus. I'll press gently in different places. After a few minutes, the sheet can either be removed or remain, folded in the traditional lomi style for privacy, whatever feels more comfortable. Warmed oil is applied and the massage treatment starts. After you have been face-down for about half the time, I'll ask you to turn over. We may also do some work with you lying on your side. Throughout the massage, we can adjust anything - areas being worked on, speed, pressure, temperature. Let's make this the best session for you.

Ending. As we approach the end of the treatment, I'll cover you again with the sheet and bring the session to a close.  Take a few minutes to rest and gather your thoughts. Take your time sitting up. Have some water and we can check in with each other. I’ll wipe all the oil off you, and feel free to take a shower.  You are welcome to re-book, or just be in touch later as needed.  Last of all, a handshake or a hug goodbye, then go well, back into the world for now.

Aftercare. A special note. As well as feeling more relaxed, grounded and peaceful, sometimes a massage can leave you feeling a little emotional in different ways. You’ve taken off your armour, let down your guard and been open and receptive to a deeper experience, outside of your everyday life.  It can feel profound so it’s important to look after yourself. Factor in some buffer time immediately after your massage before you need to re-engage with the outside world to you can continue relaxing for a while. 

  • Aim to avoid rushing and perhaps take the quiet roads home.
  • Drink water to rehydrate - you've been quite warm for a while
  • Aim to minimise stimulants over the next few hours.
  • Massage can lower your blood sugar a little, so you might want a little snack afterwards. 
  • Sometimes after bodywork you might feel a little sore or tender after you’ve had bodywork, but this passes in 24-48 hours.
  • ­Be kind to yourself.

About me

I’m Steve, 54, a qualified and insured massage therapist with 25+ years of massage experience.

My massage journey began with two personal intentions: 1) to overcome my own body hang ups and enjoy being in my body and 2) to learn how to touch another person ‘properly’. It’s been a wonderful, humbling, life-affirming experience.

Training. Over the years, I’ve trained in different holistic massage styles (therapeutic, Swedish, Indian head massage, Lomi Lomi) and more remedial massage styles (Sports and deep tissue). Each style offered me different parts of the jigsaw. I use a combination when massaging, applying what feels needed most, but at my core I am definitely a holistic therapist, focused on relaxation and wellbeing, honouring you as the whole, unique being that you are. 

Experience as a client. I've received a number of massages over the years, some good and some not so good.  All of it has taught me something about what it feels like to lie on the massage table. It has helped me refine the experience I offer to you. The level of care, attention and awareness makes all the difference.

Massage allows me to express something that words can’t. I’m open-minded, non-judgemental and curious by nature. I hope you are too. I aim to make every treatment you have with me a memorable and life enhancing experience.